Farabi Medical Laboratory, as the first private medical laboratory offering molecular and PCR tests in Iraq since 2012, is honored to announce that following obtaining relevant permits from Ministry of Health of Kurdistan Regional Government in September 2020, we are performing Covid-19 PCR tests and antibody assays for general public, organizations and travelers. The facility is certified by Ministry of Health to comply with local and international guidelines for Covid-19 testing and we have provided our services for thousands of clients.
Real time PCR is the most sensitive and specific test for Covid-19 disease available at this time.
Elevated levels of IgM and IgG antibodies against Covid-19 virus define recent or past exposure to virus respectively.
Lymphopenia is the most common laboratory finding in COVID-19. Lymphopenia, neutrophilia, elevated serum alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels, elevated lactate dehydrogenase, high CRP, and high ferritin levels may be associated with greater illness severity.
Farabi Medical Laboratory is honored to inform companies and organizations operating in North Iraq that we have made various types of COVID-19 tests available in our lab.
Depending on your requirements, we provide screening tests to rule out the disease and diagnostic tests to confirm current or past infection. Please get in touch with us through telephone or email for a service tailored to your special requirements such as on-site sampling and free of charge visit by a physician.
We are the first lab to offer medical genetics services in North Iraq and the only center that provides scientific genetic counseling by an experienced medical practitioner in collaboration with well-known genetic counseling clinics in the region. Genetic counseling is a service to help clients or their families who are at risk of developing a heritable disease and to translate scientific genetic knowledge into practical understandable information. In the counseling process, clients are informed about the nature of the risk, the probability of increasing the severity of the disease or transmitting it to future generations, and the options available to deal with the risk.
The following groups of people are recommended for referral for genetic counseling:
· A personal or family history of a child affected by chromosomal abnormalities, a hereditary condition such as cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, intellectual disability, hearing loss, hereditary cancer, facial dysmorphology, congenital abnormalities, Autism spectrum disorders (ASD), blood disorder, and ambiguous genitalia
· Personal history of repeated pregnancy loss or stillbirth
· Before undertaking a genetic testing and after receiving the results for interpreting and advising the next step
· As follow-up for a positive result of a screening test for inborn error of metabolism or prenatal screening such as maternal serum screening or abnormal fetal ultrasound examination
Your doctor may refer you to a geneticist - a medical doctor or medical researcher - who specializes in your disease or disorder. A medical geneticist will make the actual diagnosis of a disease or condition. Many genetic diseases are so rare that only a geneticist can provide the most complete and current information about your condition. Along with a medical geneticist, you may also be referred to a physician who is a specialist in the type of disorder you have. For example, if a genetic test is positive for colon cancer, you might be referred to an oncologist. For a diagnosis of Huntington disease, you may be referred to a neurologist.
If you're interested in receiving electronic preliminary assessment for genetic counseling, start by applying here and attaching your files.
Cord blood is the blood remaining in umbilical cord after delivery. It contains a large quantity of life-saving stem cells that can be saved and used instead of bone marrow for transplantation. Farabi Laboratory in collaboration with Royan Stem Cell Company has provided this novel service for families who are interested in saving these magical cells usable for the babies, their siblings and other family members
Expectant parents with healthy pregnancies are storing cord blood as a precaution, to ensure that this medically important material is available to their children if it is needed in the future. Cord blood can, and does save lives daily. Cord blood has already been used to treat over 50 life-threatening diseases, but the full medical potential of stem cells is only beginning to be harnessed. Expectant parents are increasingly beginning to recognize the potential of this technology, and what it can mean for their children’s health in the years ahead.
Cord blood offers a number of advantages to donors and transplant recipients. It is easy to collect, often more likely to provide a suitable match and is stored frozen, ready to use.
1. Cord blood collection is easy and poses no medical risk to the mother or newborn baby. Cord blood collection is a safe, simple procedure. Royan Stem Cell Technology &Cord Blood Program staff collects cord blood from the delivered placenta, in a way that does not interfere with the care of the mother or newborn baby. Collection, therefore, poses no risk to mother or baby.
2. Cord blood is collected in advance, tested and stored frozen, ready to use. Cord blood is donated in advance for anyone who might need it in the future. All routine testing is completed and the unit is stored frozen, ready to use. If a match is found, it can be reserved immediately. Confirmatory HLA typing and any special testing required is usually completed within 5 days.
3. Cord blood transplants do not require a perfect match. Studies have shown that cord blood transplants can be performed in cases that the donor and the recipient are partially matched. In contrast, bone marrow grafts require 8/8 matching in most cases.Because partially matched cord blood transplants can be performed, cord blood increases the patient’s chance to find a suitable donor. With cord blood, a relatively small donor pool can effectively support most patients' needs.
4. Cord blood transplants are associated with lower incidence of GvHD. The immune cells in cord blood seem to be less likely than those in bone marrow from unrelated donors to attack the patient's own tissues (graft vs. host disease).
5. Cord Blood Transplants are associated with lower risk of viral infections. Cord blood is also less likely to transmit certain common viruses, like Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV), potentially lethal infections for transplant recipients. CMV is carried as a latent virus by about half of the adult population, whereas less than 1 percent of infants are born with CMV.
It’s very easy, just decide to keep your baby’s umbilical cord blood stem cell in royan cord blood bank (RCBB). You can contact RCBB center or its branch in your country/city to sign a contract. Our state-of-the-art facilities and qualified personnel ensure that your cells are processed and stores under the strictest guidelines.
1-Using the Collection Kit: RCBB will supply you with a cord blood collection kit prior to delivery date. You simply take the kit to your physician or midwife in the hospital to collect the cord blood following the delivery.
2-Umblical Cord Blood Collection: Immediately after your baby’s delivery, the umbilical cord is clamped and the baby gets separated from the cord. at this point, the needle attached to the collection bag is inserted into the vein in the umbilical cord. The placental blood/ umbilical cord blood, drown by gravity, then flows into the collection bag. The process is non-invasive, painless and generally takes between three to five minutes to complete.
3- Shipping Your Kit to RCBB: Once the attending physician or midwife has Completed the umbilical blood collection, your sample is picked up at your hospital, either by your husband, your relative or shipment company and sent to our lab center in Resalat Highway in Banihashem SQ, Tehran Within 48 hours of delivery.
4-Processing: Cord blood processing includes full cell separation, a method designed to protect viability and usability of your baby’s stem cells. To shield the Stem cells from freezing damage, we use DMSO (Dimethy 1 Sulfoxide), a cryoprotectant, which is washed out of the stem cells in thawing and preparation process prior to transplantation. Research has shown that this methodology is the most successful in term of cell recovery and ultimately for transplant results.
5-Quality Control Steps and long term Storage: Your baby’s Cord blood stem cells are stored in bag or cryovials. With multiple storage units, it is not necessary to thaw your entire specimen at once: thus, RCBB offers the potential for multiple usage. The cryovial are designed specifically for long-term cryogenic storage for cheking cell condition during long term storage and before using the main bag for cell therapy. We alsoset asife one smaller sample, which can be used for human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) typing in case the cells are needed for someone other than your baby. (HLA typing determines whether a patient has suitable donor for stem cell transplant.) One hundred percent of the processed cells are preserved for your family and nothing is withheld for other use.
The PCR lab in Farabi Medical Laboratory is operating since 2013 and it was the first private molecular lab in the country. Since inception we are offering conventional and real time PCR tests for a variety of areas of application such as infectious diseases and genetics tests. During Covid-19 pandemic the heavy workload obliged us to invest more and expand the PCR lab with adding several more real time PCR analyzers and also adding staff to the team. We are currently focusing on increasing the range of the tests on offer in line with the efforts of the scientific team to study which tests can improve heath care in the area of North Iraq and how we can further help practicing physicians.
The Hematology Laboratory performs a wide variety of basic and advanced hematology testing on whole blood, serum, cerebrospinal fluids and other body fluids. In addition to routine hematology and coagulation testing advanced hematological tests are performed using a variety of techniques including HPLC and electrophoresis based methods.
Specific areas include:
The Immunology Laboratory is responsible for laboratory testing and clinical consultation in several broad areas including the evaluation of autoimmune disease, immunodeficiencies, immunoproliferative disorders, and allergy, as well as having responsibility for some aspects of infectious disease serology.
We are offering a wide range of tests performed by the three methods of Electrochemiluminescence (ECL), Enzyme linked fluorescent assay (ELFA), and conventional ELISA.
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)
Covid-19 IgG
Covid-19 IgM
Anti-HAV IgM
Anti-HBc IgM
HIV Antigen
HIV combi
Rubella IgG
Rubella IgM
Toxo IgG
Toxo IgM
QuantiFERON for TB: QuantiFERON-TB Gold (QFT) is an interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) release assay that aids in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. QFT is a modern alternative to the tuberculin skin test (TST, PPD or Mantoux) and unlike PPD, QFT is a controlled laboratory test that requires only one patient visit and is unaffected by previous Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccinations. QFT is highly specific and sensitive: a positive result is strongly predictive of true infection with M. tuberculosis.
CA 125 II
CA 15-3
CA 19-9
free PSA
total PSA
Vitamin B12